Manuale MediaCP
Proxy di flusso

Ultimo aggiornamento 1 anno fa

The Stream Proxy provides an nginx powered reverse proxy acting on typical ports used for website access, and provides secure SSL access to the audio service where otherwise might not be possible. By default the Stream Proxy operates on the standard MediaCP Port (2020) however it can usually be configured to operate on typical website access ports 80 and 443.

Since typical corporate firewalls may restrict web access outside of typical ports (80/443), the Stream Proxy URLs should allow your station to be accessed at work places, schools and universities.

In addition to providing firewall compatibibilty and SSL access, the reverse proxy allows utilization of modern connection protocols for optimal performance.

Enabling Proxy Support

The Stream Proxy Feature must be enabled by your server administrator from the Service -> Configure -> Features tab. Once enabled, it will be instantly available on the service from the Widgets & Links page.

Stream Proxy operation on port 80 / 443 requires a server administrator to configure.

Proxy Links

Stream Proxy links are available from the Widgets & Links page.

Mount Points

Stream Proxy URL for individual mount points is available on the Mount Points page.

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