Software Health Timeout/Crash

If you run into this issue, there are two potential causes that you can test for.

SMTP is set to the wrong encryption method or improperly configured.

You can check if SMTP is enabled in the Email section of configuration. Changing the encryption method or disabling SMTP then running a healthcheck will allow you to see if this was the cause.

Streaming Server is enabled but not installed.

Other times we have seen this issue when a streaming engine is enabled in the panel but not installed on the server. When the system healthcheck is run, it will check for the enabled streaming servers and can crash if the server is not there. You would in this case disable the plugin from the /page/admin/plugins page and rerun a healthcheck to confirm whether this was the cause.

If neither of these resolve the issue, then please open a ticket with our helpdesk so that we can assist you in resolving this issue.

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