Cannot Access Shoutcast Admin Page

If you are having issues acessing the Shoutcast Admin Page it is most likely due to a http redirect. Modern browsers are increasingly redirecting the access to http websites to https, for security reasonc outlined in HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) policy.

The SHOUTcast administration page is not accessible with HTTP/SSL. This is a known issue with SHOUTcast 2.6 server and is not a problem exclusive to MediaCP software.

We have contact SHOUTcast about this and from what we can tell they are not interested in fixing this anytime soon:

As a workaround for now you can regain access to the admin.cgi page by excluding the panel domain from redirection. On Chrome/Edge/Chromium based browsers follow these steps:

  1. Go to the following page: chrome://net-internals/#hsts
  2. Scroll all the way down to the section below and enter your panel domian, then selcect “Delete”
  3. You should now be able to access the shoutcast admin page in your browser without issue

If this does not resolve your issue please contact our helpdesk so we can look into this further:

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